

A Machine-Learning-Based Cyberattack Detector for a Cloud-Based SDN Controller

2023 - Applied Sciences, 13(8), 4914
The rapid evolution of network infrastructure through the softwarization of network elements has led to an exponential increase in the attack surface, thereby increasing the complexity of threat protection.

B5GEMINI: AI-driven Network Digital Twin

2022 - Sensors 2022, 22, 4106
Network Digital Twin (NDT) is a new technology that builds on the concept of Digital Twins (DT) to create a virtual representation of the physical objects of a telecommunications network.

Synthetic flow-based cryptomining attack generation through Generative Adversarial Networks

2022 - Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, Article 2091
Due to the growing rise of cyber attacks in the Internet, the demand of accurate intrusion detection systems (IDS) to prevent these vulnerabilities is increasing. To this aim, Machine Learning (ML) components have been proposed as an efficient and effective solution.

Improving the quality of generative models through Smirnov transformation

2022 - Information Sciences, Vol. 609
Solving the convergence issues of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is one of the most outstanding problems in generative models. In this work, we propose a novel activation function to be used as output of the generator agent.